I just had to post this, dog lover that I am :-)Man saves puppy, then puppy saves man
By KATU Web Staff
MARIN COUNTY, Ca. - The neighbor of a California man who brought home a pound puppy says the young dog led her to an accident scene where the man was pinned for hours in a wrecked vehicle.
Monday night, rescue crews were able to extract Michael Bosch, 63, from his mangled SUV and transport him to the hospital, where he is expected to survive.
The story began some weeks earlier when Bosch picked up Honey, a cocker spaniel puppy who had been brought to the pound by an owner who could no longer afford to care for her.
Bosch and the dog became fast friends, and Honey frequently rode with Bosch while he was driving his white SUV.
But on Monday, Bosch was backing the vehicle up on his property and went too far, and it tumbled down into a steep ravine, landing on its roof.
The car ended up out of view, and Bosch was tightly pinned against the steering wheel, unable to escape, and badly injured.
Honey, unhurt, was able to eventually escape the vehicle after Bosch was able to get a window open. He reportedly told the small dog to go for help.
Half a mile away, Robin Allen was at home when the dog suddenly appeared, and according to Allen, the dog lead her to the crash site.
When Allen discovered the scene, she immediately called for help.
At last report, Honey was waiting for Bosch to come home.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
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» Cocker Spaniel pup saves owner's life
Cocker Spaniel pup saves owner's life
From the "Awwwww how cute!" file (and KATU.com):
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That is one cute cocker, cuter than mine.
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