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Sunday, September 17, 2006

Celebrating Constitution Day

This afternoon Erich Smith, another candidate for Rockingham County Board of Education (click here for his website) held a party in Wentworth to celebrate today being Constitution Day. It was a great time that included a cook-out, a dunking booth (am sorry to say that I didn't bring my swim trunks) and a few other things, including some political stump speeches. Which Eric brought an honest-to-goodness stump for speakers to stand on for. I gave one, the first-ever in my political career, and think I did pretty good considering it was really impromptu. I won a free copy of the Constitution with a smart-alecy answer to the trivia question "Which amendment guarantees freedom of speech?" (I blurted out "the Second Amendment... and I meant to say that!") All things considered, it was one of the more fun things that's happened since I filed to run. Thanks for the good times Eric!

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