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Thursday, October 26, 2006

Because I'm feeling so good after coming out of two candidates forums...

...I just got back from Wal-Mart where I treated myself to a Count Dooku Star Wars action figure :-)

This is what I do to celebrate or otherwise mark small occassions: get a new Star Wars figure for the collection. I know, pretty silly and juvenile. What can I say: I'm a school board candidate who still has a lot of kid left in him. But I don't see anything wrong with that.

Don't take life so completely seriously every second of your life. You can't put it into real perspective unless you take time to let your inner child come out and play some.

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bmovies said...

"This is what I do to celebrate or otherwise mark small occassions: get a new Star Wars figure for the collection. "

I treat myself to a junk food meal. My way is less expensive, but more fattening.

By the way, here is MY ghost story (just in time for Halloween). It's about time I posted it on my blog:


Eric H. Smith said...

I am going to build another boat after the election. Its been since the 2000 election when I was working on the Congressional campaign that I last built a boat. It was a good reward then and I simply just want another boat. Heck, I might even name it the Rebel Runner to honor you.

In Liberty,