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Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Back at homebase for a short while. Michael and I drove to Reidsville Middle School a little after 9 this morning. He waited outside while I went in and voted. And lemme tell ya: that was hands-down the most surreal moment of my life... and that's saying something! Seeing my own name on the ballot like that, it seemed so weird. Then I went back outside and it was still raining, as it has been all morning. I had no umbrella but Tom Schoolfield, one of the candidates for County Commissioner came by a short while later and let me have one that he had: wasn't that nice? :-) I think it's like a promotional umbrella but I don't care: it keeps the rain of of ya right? Well anyway, after voting I went back behind The Line (the one beyond which no campaigning is allowed) and we held aloft some signs and I greeted voters as they went in. We were there for about 45 minutes then came back here for a bit before we head out to hit another precinct. While we were at Reidsville Middle I also met up with Lorie Booth McKinney, another school board candidate (she was in my portion of the televised forum two weeks ago and she did a really great job). Funny thing about this election: there's almost one school board candidate for every precinct in the county :-)

Okay, time for some photos. This first pic was actually taken this morning about 3:10 a.m., at the Bethany Civic Center. I already had one sign there but I deployed another one all the same...
Here's Michael outside of Reidsville Middle School, being a good campaign staffer :-) By the way, the t-shirt I tried to make for him didn't work out that hot (it was one of those self-print, then iron-on deals you can buy in the computer paper section of Wal-Mart and such). But since it's pretty cold out today that's okay: I don't want to freeze my staffers to death ;-)
And here's the pic that Michael shot of me from where he was standing...
Okay, we're gonna head out again. Something I feel almost wrong about saying here, but for sake of completeness I'll add it here for the record: quite a few people at Reidsville Middle told me that they either were going to vote for me or already had voted for me. I mean, that isn't something I'd normally report on, but the sheer number of people who've told me that...

I'm not going to speculate. I'm not going to see things that may or may not be there. But I am very much amazed and delighted at how many have said they're supporting me. But I would have been happy if only ten people said they were going to vote for me. It's just that right now... I'm wondering just how far this might be set to go before this night is over.

Well, I'll leave that to the voters, and to God. For now it's just do what I've always tried to do during this thing: give it my best effort, and let the chips fall where they may. So now it's time to visit another precinct :-)

More later.

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Anonymous said...

"Michael and I drove to Reidsville Middle School a little after 9 this morning. He waited outside while I went in and voted."

Wait a second here. I thought the Death Star wiped that place out. They rebuilt it already? ;-)

"And lemme tell ya: that was hands-down the most surreal moment of my life... and that's saying something! Seeing my own name on the ballot like that, it seemed so weird."

So tell me....who did you vote for. ;-D

PS: Off topic, but look here:


Anonymous said...

"I don't want to freeze my staffers to death ;-)"

At least not untill after the election is over. ;-D

Chris Knight said...

These days I'm only know for two things: ghosts, and blowing up schoolhouses. It ain't easy being me... :-P