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Friday, November 03, 2006

Sneak peek at this Sunday's newspaper ad

Here's the ad that will be running this Sunday in The Reidsville Review and the Eden Daily News. It'll be an entire half-page... which was a problem 'cuz I had no idea when they first told me about this special deal for candidates about how I was going to fill up that much space. I spent about two days designing and re-designing, juggling around potential layouts... and in the end this one wound up looking pretty good to "the staff" and me. This was the last bit of major creative work that was left in the campaign. Now we'll see what happens on Tuesday.

By the way, the same two newspapers that this ad will run in ran a front-page story today about the candidates in this race that are using the Internet to spread the message about their campaigns. Filling up a honking good portion of the front page was a full-color pic of me wielding the lightsaber from the first commercial. I may never escape that image :-)

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Anonymous said...

Gotta see this guys campaign commercials (for Congress) on youtube:


Clickable links on post number 4

Chris Knight said...


Lee Shelton said...

Good luck, Christopher! You'd have my vote based on the lightsaber commercial alone!