Saturday, November 04, 2006
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» Video: Three candidates talk about making THE NEW YORK TIMES
Video: Three candidates talk about making THE NEW YORK TIMES
Last night about 6:30 on WGSR (the TV station that I work) Charles Roark did a live interview with school board candidates Eric Smith, Richard Moore (via telephone) and myself about our making it into Thursday's edition of The New York Times in regards to our offbeat television commercials. I just got finished uploading it to YouTube. It's a neat little segment with a lot of great interaction between Eric, Richard, Charles and myself. You also get to hear fellow candidate Reida Drum (off-camera). Among other things Richard got to show off photos of his very first grandchild who was born yesterday. Richard's wife Debbie gets on the phone at one point.
I think this segment is a great example of how this race has gone in the past few months. Ya see, this has been a positive, upbeat electoral race. And I mean what I say during the interview: it doesn't matter to me if my actual name wasn't mentioned in the Times article. What does matter is that if the nation's eyes can be turned to this school board race and see how it's going, maybe it can inspire other political races to drop the negativity and embrace individuality and creativity (by the way, that was Jennifer Olwin who first commented about that on the original post about the Times article.) Anyway, the video is a lil' bit of primary source material about this election, so being a good historian I went and archived it and made it available for others to watch. So, enjoy! :-)
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*grins* ...I almost feel like I made it onto TV :-D
Seriously, though, the segment looked good and it's pretty amazing that a county school board race--and a friendly one, at that--garnered such attention. What you and your fellow campaigners pulled off has been impressive.
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