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Sunday, November 05, 2006

What should I do on Election Night?

48 hours from now I'll be doing... something. I'm not sure exactly what though. All day Tuesday I'm going to be visit as many polling places as I can, putting in some last-minute personal appearances before the voters go through the doors to vote. But for the past week or so I've been trying to figure out what to be doing on Election Night as the returns come in. And... I don't know how I should be spending the evening.

Here are the options that I've got so far:

- Go to the county's governmental center and be there as the ballots from the precincts come rolling in and the results posted. This is probably where most of the news media will be at in the county on Tuesday night. No doubt this is the place to be for the absolute first reported results.

- Go to the TV station where I work at as the results come in there. Which if I win a seat I've already been told that I'm going to have to give them my very first interview if I wind up hanging around there that night.

- There's something of a "party" that a few other local candidates are having at Pennrose Mall in Reidsville that night. I could go and join them there.

- Spend a nice quiet night at home with Lisa, only using the TV to watch a movie, or playing a game together on the Xbox. Go to bed without knowing anything about the election results and wait until waking up the next morning to see what happened the night before.

- Spend the evening doing some personal Bible study... which has really sustained me a lot during the past few months.

- Finally, finally sit down and get to work on the script for the full-length movie project that I'm still planning on shooting next year. I haven't been able to work on this at all since filing to run in early August. And let myself be absorbed in working on that when the phone rings and I find out that I haven't won or there's a six-way tie calling for a runoff or whatever...

- Spend tomorrow finally learning how to make martinis: a project that I've been wanting to pick up since April. Then mix a bunch up on Tuesday night so that I'll be too - as the French put it - "pees droonk" to care about the election results.

- Leave Tuesday afternoon for a cabin deep in the woods, strip to my waist and start primal screaming as a means of exerting all the pent-up frustration and rage that comes with running a political campaign.

- Before the polls close that evening, I leave everything behind, hit the wide open road, and end up hiring myself out to work on a shrimp boat.

So many choices to pick from. Maybe I'm leaving some out: what do you think I should be doing on Election Night? Post your comments here!

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Eric H. Smith said...

Make Martinis. I like mine made with Beefeater Dry Gin. Shaken not stirred. Take a shaker and put some ice in it. One and 1/2 measure of Gin, 1/2 measure of Dry Vermouth. A sprizzle of olive juice. SHAKE LIKE HELL!!!!! Strain into Martini glass and garnish with 3 olives. That is the Smith Special Dry and Dirty Martini. I'll have two, thank you.

Anonymous said...

"What should I do on Election Night?"

That all depends on whether or not you win or lose:

If you lose: Loot and pillage the town in righteous anger.

If you win: Loot and pillage the town in righteous anger.

PS: Be sure to loot me a new computer, a DV camera (so that I can make movies like you), and whatever cash you find in the bank vaults.