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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

"Read a Harry Potter book for Jesus!"

This is either a very clever statement, or I have crossed a terrible, terrible line ...

The "Read a Harry Potter book for Jesus!" t-shirt. So what's the story behind the inspiration for this latest bit of mischief? I'll admit that part of it is because as a Christian, I don't have a problem with the Harry Potter books. But also because it really hit me earlier today, while going through a certain portion of the book Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, that there is an amazing use of scripture toward the end of the book. It's not directly quoting from the Bible, but it's a wonderful depiction of the nature of God.

It's toward the end of the next-to-last chapter of the book, "The Lost Prophecy". I was finding so many Bible verses that reflect what Dumbledore is saying there, that I literally lost count of them all.

There's no telling how many people have possibly received a knowledge of the gospel through these books and others, like the Chronicles of Narnia. It doesn't matter how the truth is presented or what the exact words are - this isn't Gnosticism we're dealing with after all - just so long as the truth is presented.

So ... should I wear this thing on Friday night? :-P

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Anonymous said...


Is this post for me?


Chris Knight said...

Naw man. It's just an idea I had a few days ago and it seemed too hilarious not to do :-)

My sense of humor has been extra wacky lately. Must be the heat getting to me ...

Malsy (THE Moe of DMOE) said...

MIght be a little too much- but i love your blog and ideas!

I googled into you while trying to find the transformesr score for my husband!

keep the faith!