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No joke: over the past 3 months my wife Lisa has been gone from home for roughly a month. All on trips to places where she's been learning how to enhance her abilities as a music teacher. This past week she went to the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching out in Cullowhee (right across the road from Western Carolina University) to learn about the banjo and its history: from its origins in Africa to its adoption as a traditional Appalachian folk instrument.
She had a lot of fun. And she learned a lot about the banjo and how to apply it to her classes. Not to mention that she brought home a wazoo-load of CDs from bluegrass groups that came to the seminar like Carolina Chocolate Drops and Balsam Range.
In spite of its location, Lisa informs me that at no time did anyone perform "Dueling Banjos"...
Music video: "Rip It Up" by Death Proof!Hey y'all, been a few days since an update. All that can be said at the moment is that I've got a lot of irons in the fire, so to speak :-)Here, mayb…Read More
Tragic day for our cultureBefore today, Elvis Presley held the record for most singles on Billboard's Hot 100 chart, since it began keeping track of the most popular since in 1…Read More
"My wife leaves me to go study banjos"
Thats right. Give me a heart attack.
I would recomend checking out Appalachian Picking Society. I found it at the Library and then bought it from Amazon. It is great.h
I second that. Appalachian Picking Society is one of the best instrumental folk albums in circulation.
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