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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Homeland Security nabs radioactive cat on I-5 in Seattle

This story gives whole new meaning to the term "hot pussy".

(And with that, Chris goes into hiding for using the worst pun ever ...)

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Anonymous said...

Bad, Chris. That was BAD!

But it was funny too (=

Anonymous said...

I'm now marking this site off of my list of "safe for the entire family" sites.

Sorry dude...you say, you pay

Chris Knight said...

Aww c'mon... that was *tame* humor!

Anyone who's watched British sitcoms on PBS will know that what I said was NOWHERE near as raunchy as a lot of the stuff that's said on those shows :-)

Well, it's true: ANYTHING that's radioactive is deemed to be "hot". And in this case it was a cat.

That joke was SCREAMING to be done! :-)

Abas KS said...

Hi, Chris

How are things?

What is the "hot pussy" that of you speak? :-|

I really thought it was a radioactive cat! Someone must really love the cat to have it undergo radioactive cancer treatment.


Anonymous said...

C'mon people...grow up!

If I had a quarter for every time I've heard Mrs. Slocombe talk about her pussy (cat) on "Are you being served?" on PUBLIC TELEVISION - I would be able to buy a full tank of gas.

Keep it up Chris!

PS - I had an aunt that always called her cats, pussies, and we all thought it was hilarious!