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Monday, July 28, 2008

Which KWerky Productions star is now appearing with Richard Gere in a Nicholas Sparks movie?!

Why, it's none other than Dawn Swartz (playing the nurse on the right), who starred in our short film Schrodinger's Bedroom last year!

Dawn has a role in - and even appears in the trailer for - the new Warner Brothers movie Nights in Rodanthe, starring Richard Gere, Diane Lane, Christopher Meloni, James Franco and Viola Davis. It's based on the novel by Nicholas Sparks. I was going to go see this anyway 'cuz of the setting (Rodanthe is a small community on North Carolina's Outer Banks) and the cinematography looks beautiful, and Lisa is a big fan of Sparks's books and movies too. Now we've another great reason to check it out!

Here's a page with some links to various formats of the Nights in Rodanthe trailer. And if you're just plain lazy, here it is on YouTube, too (Dawn appears about 12 seconds in)...

Congrats to Dawn! Who is not only a wonderful actress and KWerky Productions family member, but also a very sweet person and a dear friend :-)

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Anonymous said...

Good work Dawn. My girlfriend wants to see this movie and it looks good.

Chris where does this put you in relation to Kevin Bacon?

A reader from Beaufort.

Chris Knight said...

Funny you ask 'cuz my collaborator "Weird" Ed brought up that question just last night Aaron!

Okay, so far as I can tell, per the rules of The Kevin Bacon Game...

1. Ed, his wife Olivia, Chris Otto, Selassie Amana, Doug Smith, Chad Austin, Melody Hallman Daniel, Tyler Richardson, and myself appeared in Schrodinger's Bedroom with Dawn Swartz.

2. Dawn Swartz is now appearing with Richard Gere in Nights in Rodanthe.

3. Richard Gere starred in Pretty Woman with Julia Roberts.

4. And Julia Roberts, not after Pretty Woman, was in Flatliners with Kevin Bacon.

So if my calculations are correct, our Kevin Bacon Number is 4.

I can now say that I officially have a Kevin Bacon Number!

Wasn't really a life-long goal, but hey, I'll take it :-)