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Thursday, June 11, 2009

THIS is the Danville Police Department officer who killed a helpless Dachshund...

Murrill McLean, Danville Police "officer", who shot and killed 11-pound miniature dachshund "Killer" earlier this week.

This is the "cop" who was so afraid of a tiny little dog that was only barking at him, that he used lethal force. This guy, who looks like six-foot something and all tough.

Apparently he's also an enlisted soldier who's about to begin a tour of Iraq.

Hide your puppies, people of Baghdad. Better keep your children out of the street too, if you don't want Officer McLean shooting first and asking questions later.

Want to make this better, Chief of Police Phillip Broadfoot? Then Murrill McLean had damned better make a heartfelt public apology to the family before the weekend is out and tender his resignation from the Danville Police Department. Either that, or fire his butt as an example for everyone else in law enforcement: that those of your profession must be held accountable for their mistakes, however much they might regret making them in the first place.

EDIT 10:28 p.m. EST: Here's another photo of Murrill McLean of the Danville Police Department (in addition to many others that I've come into possession of)...

There's so much wrong with this pose that I'm not gonna begin to comment about it. But y'all can if you feel so led.

EDIT 06/12/2009 09:08 a.m. EST: This post is receiving a lot of traffic and I have been asked for the source of this photos. They were plenty easy to find: Murrill McLean has a Facebook page that as of this writing is still publicly accessible for anyone in the Greensboro, North Carolina area and he has posted most of these on a Flicker account as well.

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Anonymous said...

God this just gets worse. That big ol man intimidated by a weiner dog.

Brian (Nunchux) said...

I find it hard to picture that man being intimidated by big ol' 160 pound me, let alone a tiny little dog yipping at him. Perhaps he's just sadistic?

I find it interesting how the police "investigation" "found that the dog displayed aggressive tendencies before other people." But the newspaper goes on to quote neighbors who say Killer never bothered them at all. Strange, that.

in reidsville said...

channel 5 is showing the news conference and police chief keeps talking about rabies. just shoot ALL dogs because cops don't know which ones are rabid right!!??

Anonymous said...

Broadfoot at news conference is using rabies to excuse this. Danville PD is closing ranks around their own. Regular people get the short end again.

Chris Knight said...

Remember "The Loaded Goat" episode of The Andy Griffith Show? What would have happened if Murrill McLean was a deputy in Mayberry during the rampage of Jimmy the Goat, all loaded with dynamite?

McLean would have blown up the entire town of Mayberry!

Anonymous said...

Asshole cop looks like Michael Clark Duncan. Imagine him scared of a small dog. I can't either.

Anonymous said...

This is all very unfortunate. The cop used poor judgment and his bosses are probably covering for him somewhat. Where's your outrage when cops kill people? You don't pick your battles very well, do you? Nobody here has pointed out that Danville has a lease law and the dog was off the owner's property making the owner at least contributory to the outcome. Your over-the-top hysteria "reporting" has actually caused a couple of death threats to the officer ... here on your own blog ... which you deleted. If you ever decide to run for office again I'll be sure to point out how responsible you are.

Chris Knight said...

I've posted so many stories expressing outrage at police-on-human craziness that I don't care to go looking for them all. The one a few years ago about the gung-ho "cop" shooting an Eagle Scout in his face - when the kid was just sitting in his car doing nothing - particularly sticks out in my mind.

I don't want anyone to get hurt. But I damned well do want the rotten cops out there - and anyone else who might be intending to harm others - to be scared enough to think twice.

Having a badge does not automatically demand respect. Respect must be earned. And this cop has damn well blown all respect that I might have had for the Danville Police Department.

Anonymous said...

I'd be afraid to live in Danville with that guy around, out of fear that I'd get my brains blown out by him because he didn't like the way I looked at him. He killed a dog because it was barking at him, he could kill a person because they looked at him the wrong way.

-Drew M.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The 3rd photo shows Murrill McLean feels lacking in his manhood. Thats why he proved himself by killing a vicious dachschund.

Carrie said...

This is absolutely ridiculous. A lot of men in North Carolina use their guns as an extension of what they don't have, but now this officer's compensation issues have a body count.

Anonymous said...

His phone number is on Google!

Murrill L Mclean
(434) 799-1908

Anonymous said...

Well, when McLean's body comes back from Iraq in a body bag I guess it's safe to say NO ONE but his cop buddies and other dog killers will turn out for HIS funeral. I sure won't stand on the corner waving a flag for him.

The few, the proud, the puppy killers I suppose.

Anonymous said...

I bet Broadfoot doesnt know that one of his men enjoys jacking off with his gun on phallic thrones.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for including attribution. I notice that most of the photos that McLean posted of himself he's posing with a gun. McLean seems to have an unhealthy attraction to them.

Anonymous said...

Danville Police should be ashamed of itself!

Anonymous said...

See the picture of McLean holding an assault rifle on a toilet?

Anonymous said...

I love the way all of you are publicly assassinating a man you know nothing about except that he killed a dog. He could be a bad apple but you don't know that for sure. He might have just made a mistake. I'd like to see some of you make that "body bag" reference to his face. What a bunch of judgmental jerks. None of you should ever comment on Star News again, you're in the same class ... or maybe that's no class.

Matt said...

Bah, this is starting to bore me. Let's move on to something else.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but a guy that kills a dog, tells the owner he killed it because it was barking at him, refuses to give his name and badge number to the dog's owner, and doesn't even bother to try and apologize (which to me, implies that he believes he made no mistake at all, and has no regret over doing it.), deserves to be publicly assassinated like a lot of people are doing.

-Drew M.

Anonymous said...

The cops don't give a damn what we think.

Jennifer Jay said...

Come on, it's a tiny dachshund, okay I'm gonna play devil's advocate and say the dog was going to attack him and bite him, well since the dog is so short it would have been his toe, or somewhere on his foot and Im sure he's wearing leather boots and it wouldn't have punctured through, AND he could have used some mace or pepper spray to get it away, not just pull out your gun and shoot it in the stomach!!!

Being a dachshund owner, I know that they can tend to be protective and bark and sometimes try to bite a stranger, and they will run out of a house and chase something or someone because that is what they are bread to do!!! But again, as I point out, he is a strong man, and that is a tiny dog, it wasn't like it was a large German Shepard lunging at him.

Dogs are a part of most people's families, just becasue it's not human shouldnt give this officer the right to just shoot with deadly force without trying another evasive action first to keep from being bitten if he felt he was in fact in danger of an animal attack.

The Danville police are just covering up with the rabies crap.... The officer's behavior after he shot the dog was unbelieveble... just wait were probably gonna be hearing it was a PTSD effect, that he freaked. And before someone jumps down my throat for that, I was married to someone who did 2 combat tours in Iraq and 1 in Afghananstan so I know all about PTSD!!!

It is sad that this little innocent life is gone, that the child and family has lost their pet and they are grieving. He owes them an apology, and he should take a serious look at how he responds to events. He was wrong. And he knows it. Whether he will ever admit it, who knows.

Anonymous said...

The cops have turned into a pack of renegades. Every week there is a new video or story of police abuse that is way over the top. Assaulting EMT's on emergency calls. The Oakland murder by police with the man shot in the back while face down. Mayor Cheye Calvo assaulted and his dogs murdered inside his own home. The swine always get by with it no matter what. How in the hell could anybody take up for Merrill McClean's actions? How about police Chief Chickenfoot? What a disgrace. I hope both of them fry in hell for what they are and what they've done.

Anonymous said...

I would definitely get all the facts before I decided to set this man out to dry. He is a veteran and a servant of the people. Most Law Enforcement officers I know would not bust into a situation and shoot a dog without just cause. Maybe he had a fear of dogs. Maybe he was attacked the week before by a dog. I don't know. But I cant believe people are saying things like publicly assasinate someone. That is as crazy as the incident he commited if it is true.

Johnny Y.

Anonymous said...

Holy Christ! - I'm 1400 miles away in Wyoming, so I have some perspective on this event - and your police chief STILL
comes across as the epitome of an officious, white-haired career twerp. He's actually trying to explain away the behavior of this piece of affirmative-action garbage! Your chief permitted this freak to "protect and serve"?? HaHaHaHaHa!!!!
Man - you folks have problems. Out here at least, diversity lust hasn't yet trumped common sense.
Shoot a man's dog and you're gonna pay - whether you wear a badge or not. Do us a favor, will ya? - keep your "can't we all just get along?" lunacy on the east coast.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully the Iraqis will do us true-blooded Americans a favor and show this coward some true Sharia law...and that he doesn't return to America.

Anonymous said...

Yea Anonymous from Wyoming. You can be really Proud that Wyoming is the state where you can Murder a Human Being for being Gay..Talk about Lunacy..........Common Sense???????

Anonymous said...

"Yea Anonymous from Wyoming. You can be really Proud that Wyoming is the state where you can Murder a Human Being for being Gay..Talk about Lunacy..........Common Sense???????"

You're off topic, boy. What does that have to do with a terminally Bad Hire shooting a 12 year-old dachschund?

Try to see the big picture instead of focusing solely on your personal insecurities.

Paws4Life said...

Please sign petition published on Change.Org

I know most people are used to seeing me publish petitions on the PetitionSite, however, I can't seem to publish there now...the site is warped or something, but it won't load the petition so it can be published.


Jennifer Jay said...

I also started a petition on facebook, calling for some type of punishment for the PO in the situation. I sent invites to everyone on my freind list but nobody has joined... that seems a little odd since several of them expressed outrage when I posted the story on my page. My group is open to everyone
I hope this is the correct link

please forward to your friends and let's get something done about this guy!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Wyoming, keep your racist crap over in your part of the continent. We got enough problems with the local goobers.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Wyoming, keep your racist crap over in your part of the continent. We got enough problems with the local goobers.

3:25 AM, June 14, 2009

Hey, shitstain - what was racist about Wyoming's comment? He's asking, in effect, by what qualifications was this worthless dog-shooter hired? I'd like to know that, myself.

Wait! Lemme guess - Q-U-O-T-A????

Of course, inconvenient truths are always rejected by you liberal pukes as "racist". Oooohhh - he's racist - he's racist! Anytime the facts get in the way of your delusions, it's somehow "racist".

You and your kind are really a drag to have on the planet.

Anonymous said...

"Of course, inconvenient truths are always rejected by you liberal pukes as "racist". Oooohhh - he's racist - he's racist! Anytime the facts get in the way of your delusions, it's somehow "racist"."

To whomever - you're wasting your time using logic with the Libs. Remember Michael Savage's dictum -

"Liberalism is a Mental Disorder"

Anonymous said...

Michael Savage (Weiner) is a nut job and anyone who gives him credibility is easily led.
Most of the people that think it was ok to shoot that miniature dachshund are most likely Dick Cheney Republicans. Merrill better be glad that wasn't my dog.

Anonymous said...

this is just like that fbi agent(ledger i think was his name) that shot the chihuahua in texas that was walking down the street! Not barking.... not attacking ...just walking down the street! I cant imagine being so emasculated by a little dog that you have to kill it!

Anonymous said...

"what was racist about Wyoming's comment?"

I think "affirmative action garbage", "diversity lust" and the Rodney King reference will suffice. You usage of "shitstain" isn't bad either. Most of the comments appear to be local and vehement as they are, didn't see the need to go there. If you prefer, I can refer to him as "bigoted" or "simple-minded".

Anonymous said...

You people need to get a life! Its easy to talk smack sitting behind a computer in your mothers basement. Its unfortunate that a dog was shot but where are all of you when a person gets gunned down in the streets. The murder at IHOP in Danville on new years eve comes to mind. Talk about senseless! Where is the community uproar over something like that. Its really ironic that the big issues get no comment. And I really like the comments about Mclean and the military. You should all kiss his ass as he is protecting this country and fighting for the right for you idiots to be able to speak your minds. This blog about the daschaund is ridiculous. I would not even expect trash like this on Star News. Mr. Knight you should be ashamed for stirring this pot. I guarantee that if you needed the Police you would welcome the sight of Officer Mclean . Why not redirect your writing towards something constructive?

Anonymous said...

The Kids leaving Comments on here are out of school with nothing to do...If they were out in Public and not sitting at a desk in their mommy's basement , They would be afraid to say anything...
They are not smart enough to discuss world events...

Anonymous said...

Trust me, I would not be happy to see Merrill McClean show up on my door step for any reason. I hope him and Chief Chickenfoot both lose their jobs over this. Thank God I don't live in Danville. What is so upsetting for me is the large number of people that think this was ok. I hope they don't think I would lay down and take this abuse.

Anonymous said...

i find it funny so many ppl can talk about what they would do in a situation they have never been.a dog is a dog and would you like to be bitten.do you know if that little dog has rabies.no you don't. are you gonna be so brave you'll take that chance right up to the point that you are in the hospital waiting on the lab results.hmmm i think not.what experience do you even have in law enforcement to be able to talk about what you would or wouldn't do. the toughest guy in the world is not so tough when a bullet passes by. or that dog big or small comes at you. would love to see how tough you are when that little dog who you think is so cute bites you then all of a sudden you are wondering if you are getting 18 shots in the stomach.i bet you'd pull the trigger then huh. theres a difference between being tough ,and being stupid. its a shame that so many of you don't know the difference.

Anonymous said...

i just saw where one of you knuckleheads posted the officers phone number...its simply amazing.im sure christopher knight is used to criticism because its obvious he makes his living on talking about subjets he knows nothing about ,but as for the rest of you.you are a poor example of the south. and its ppl like you who have nothing else to do but look up info in google and post someones number. thats a example of a weak minded ,loser who have no goals or accomplishments worth talking about other than that beer you drank lastnight.you are sad considering whats going on in the world around you,and you contribute to being a fool.police do the job most of you can't.they don't choose who they help.you do when you pick up that phone.you sorry excuse for a human being.you would disrupt the life of a plice officer just because you are a worthless weal wanna be. raise your flag cause the south is alive and well.the rest of the world cries cause the life of a p/o and a combat vetern is not worth that of a dog.be proud of yourselves.

Anonymous said...

It's all fine and dandy till one of you liberal GOOFs gets bit by the dog, the you're off to the good ole court house to file a a lawsuit!!! The only way Americans know how to resolve your problems!!!

Anonymous said...

I won't comment on the right or wrong of the officer shooting the dog. I refuse to get tangled up in that. I will however comment on all of the comments wishing this man be killed in combat, assinated etc... Let us not forget that even if has made an error in judgement, a mistake, or just committed a malicious act, he is still someones son, father, brother, uncle, friend. For those of you who would see him come back from Iraq in a body bag I challenge you to go with him so you can carry him out and therefore be a party to your "justice". Your crys of outrage may be well intentioned, but your methodology make you no better than the person you wish them carried out upon. I also doubt that many if any of you have been a combat veteran or a police officer of which I am both. It is easy for you to sit behind your computers and be judge jury and executioner. I wonder how bold any of you would be on a night patrol or doing a carstop in the middle of the night. Don't judge unless you are willing to step up to the plate and do what he/we do on a daily basis.

Anonymous said...


Charles Roark is stealing this pictures without saying where they are from. He's using them on his Buzz show now.

Anonymous said...

Klepto With A Camera is showing the photos you found without saying they came from you. That is why Charles Roark is called Klepto With A Camera.

Anonymous said...

Two people already beat me to it. Chunky Roark using your photos but people are saying he's wrong for showing them on TV.

Anonymous said...

Hey Chris, how do you think the results of your "reporting" has turned out? Proud of some of these comments? Any words of wisdom for your flock from a Offbeat Christian Theologian? Which of these quotes represent your true feelings?

"I don't want anyone to get hurt."


"Like I also said yesterday: this kind of thing is not going to stop until a lot of the bad cops are dead."

Straighten me out please, I'm a little confused.

Hey Jude the Lesser said...

Straighten me out please, I'm a little confused.

Chris should republish the "People Who Should Be Shot When The Revolution Comes" article that he wrote about five years ago I think. It's in the archives. I've been reading this blog almost from the start and Chris Knight has never wanted to see ANY BODY hurt but he has said that those who try to hurt other people should be made to be afraid too much to do so. I think that's what he is trying to say here and I don't see anything un-Christian about it. But straighten me out if I'm wrong Chris :)

Anonymous said...

Finally a voice of reason from the leadership in Danville on this issue. I have never heard of this guy but I like his style. His name is Adam Tomer. Think maybe we could lure him to Rockingham county?

Anonymous said...

This officer was clearly in the wrong and his boss is covering for him. Do not give to police charities, do not spend your tourism dollars in Danville, do not cooperate or give the police information even if you know something unless this thug is reprimanded or dismissed. Once a department issues a uniform to a thug like this all of the wearers of that uniform should share the blame. If you own a dog the Danville Police Department is your enemy. They allow their ranks to kill animals that do not pose a threat, to them or anyone else, without fear of punishment. This policy starts at the top, with the police chief.

Scholara said...

The only possible explanation I can think of unless this guy is a total idiot is that it was after dark some twit complained about the dog barking and the officer was told the dog was called Killer but not told it was a dachshund and shot at the dog thinking it was something much larger like a rottweiler.

Dont be too hard on the poor fool. Think?! Will he ever live this down?

Tho given minis dont have the baritone bark of standards you gotta wonder just how bright this guy is even allowing generously for post traumatic combat stress or any other factors?

I feel sorry for both the dog's owners and the guy!

Perhaps a win - win solution would be for he and his family to make recompense by adopting a dachshund from a rescue group?

Anonymous said...

What most of you are forgetting is that McLean LIED!! Not the fact that he shot the dog. Why do people lie? To cover their a$$ because they know they have done something wrong.

No PD in America will hire him now. His testimony in court would not be creditable.

I don't want him to step foot in my yard. I'd get him for tresspassing.