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Thursday, July 09, 2009

Tonight's Belgian Drama: Mousse and Missing Person!

So Bennie, Eric and the kids insisted on making a Belgian dish tonight for dinner, so we went out this morning and got groceries from the local Wal-Mart (I also made sure that Bennie and crew leave town with a bottle of Short Sugar's barbecue sauce). Dinner was stuffed peppers, some kind of neatly cooked stuffed tomato which defies easy description, and potatoes and it was all awesomely delicious!!

But around 3:30 this afternoon, Eric went for a walk. And didn't come back.

Long story short, we had to call 911 and have Rockingham County Sheriff's Department look for him. A short while later a deputy that I've known for many years pulled into my driveway and said that he'd found Eric walking further up the road...

Turned out that the dude went for a walk awright. He walked more than five miles east through the woods, then hiked down a road he recognized from earlier today and headed back along U.S. 158.

All in all that was around FIFTEEN MILES that Eric - a Belgian citizen who speaks only French and extremely little English - walked through strange terrain in a foreign land, and arrived right back home ('cept for about 1/5th of a mile's drive that Bennie and I gave him on the return leg).

Are these folks from Belgium a hardy breed, or what?? :-)

Anyhoo, we are currently eating Belgian chocolate mousse (yummy!) and watching Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones in French (not subtitles, real French dubbing, thank goodness for DVD technology). I speak very little French, but as it's a Star Wars movie I understand it perfectly anyway :-P

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Matt said...

Belgians are going to conquer the world.

And they will make us eat cheese all the time.

I fear for the future of my descendants.

Chris Knight said...

But they have mousse! And chocolate! And BEER!!!

If our descendants must live under such people, they will certainly live happy! :-)

Chris Knight said...

They also have TinTin and the Smurfs!!

Matt said...

I thought we had the Smurfs?

Chris Knight said...

Well, we do but they originated in Belgium with the artist Peyo. They were quite a hit over there way before they came to America :-)

paden said...

chris what is up with you you call yourself a christian but then you support beer will you plz tell me your beliefs and ansewer my questions and have a normal discusion so i can help you

Matt said...


You are a troll.

Good bye.

Chris Knight said...

Shawn Paden, you are doing now what your fellow cultist Johnny Robertson is known all too well for around here: invading the privacy and sanctity of the lives of others.

This is a post about good friends from another land, and you haven't the decency to keep your own crap out of it.

You have no sense of politeness at all. But knowing what I already do of Robertson, why should I expect anything more from you?

And if you had done this in person, I would have considered it an act of being a good host to have shot you on sight, if nothing else as a warning to the rest of your cult and anyone else who won't respect common decency.

Just as I will gladly shoot Johnny Robertson, James Oldfield and anyone else from your cult who shows up on my property when they know they should stay away.

There is no reasonable "discussion" possible with you and your cult. I'm going to start putting the word out: you are persona non grata and I see no reason to be obligated to have normal compunctions toward dealing with any of you.

Take from that what you may.

paden said...

interesting adjetive quit the name calling and lets have a biblical discusion im starting to get the idea that every one on here is aashamed of there doctrine and any one who supports any achololach beverage or drinks it is a sorry person esspecialy if they call themselves a christian

Chris Knight said...

And yet the very first miracle that Jesus did was at Cana when He turned water into wine.

Your ignorance is showing in spades, Shawn Paden.

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