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Friday, May 07, 2010

Micah Robertson found GUILTY of trespassing!

"Code Name Rodent" textified from the courthouse in Danville that Micah Robertson - son of local cult leader Johnny Robertson - has been found guilty of trespassing at Westover Baptist Church. Robertson won't get jail time (he could have gotten up to a year in the slammer) but he's been hit with a $100 fine.

More importantly, Micah Noel Robertson now has a criminal record. One directly stemming from his activities of harassment and intimidation as a member of the cult calling itself "Church of Christ" headed by his father, Johnny Robertson.

To the best of my knowledge, this is the first such legal mark against the cult. Will Johnny Robertson and his followers pay heed to it? Probably not.

More soon...

EDIT 4:48 p.m. EST: To all the members of the press who are finding this blog this afternoon.

Please be advised that Johnny Robertson, the father of guilty defendant Micah Robertson, is a convicted felon himself who has served time in prison for armed robbery. Johnny Robertson has also accused numerous churches in the area of child pornography (without any evidence), has stalked many people in their private residences and at their places of worship, and is the de facto owner of WGSR Star 47 in the sense that its general manager Charles Roark does anything that Robertson tells him to do. Among many other things that will no doubt be of interest to you.

For more please follow this link and feel free to search The Knight Shift for much more about this cult and its activities in this area.

EDIT 5:45 p.m. EST: Look! Criminal record!

Click to drastically embiggenize.

Micah Robertson can have this taken off his record after one year's probation. He also can't go to Westover Baptist Church again.

I'm going to make this commentary: that what Micah Robertson and the rest of his cult do, has nothing in common whatsoever with what Jesus and His followers are recorded as doing in the New Testament. Micah Robertson is fond of claiming that he and his fellow goons are "arguing" and "debating" just as the apostle Paul did.

Micah Robertson doesn't seem to realize that Christ, Peter, Paul and the rest were motivated out of love for others, not motivated out of debate for sake of debate. Without the requisite love, the words of Johnny Robertson and his followers are as clanging cymbals, meaning nothing.

I will also note, since I'm apparently getting quite an audience at the moment, that Johnny Robertson, his son Micah and the rest of their cult do not worship Jesus Christ. Rather they worship the water in the baptistery of their building with the "Church of Christ" sign hanging outside.

EDIT 11:16 p.m. EST: Pssst... hey, all of you members of the "Church of Christ" cult in Texas who are visiting this blog tonight:

Is it biblical or typical practice among your number for one of you to knowingly and consistently give huge amounts of God's money to an avowed atheist, bisexual habitual thief?

I know the Lord works in mysterious ways, but in my mind that's got to be pushing things.

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Intelligence said...

Star News showed Johnny following the Baptist preachers out of the courthouse and yapping his mouth like a rabid chihuaha. Johnny claiming its a legal victory for his side. Charles agrees with him.

Micah Robertson has proven what the rest of us knew. Star News has no problem sanctioning the work of convicted criminals. What more could be expected of a TV station with a convicted criminal as its general manager.

Anonymous said...

"To the best of my knowledge, this is the first such legal mark against the cult."

The first. There will be more.

Anonymous said...

Johnny's Church of Christ is no longer a fringe cult.

Johnny's Church of Christ is now officially a fringe cult involved in criminal activity.

Chris Knight said...

Pssst... hey, all of you members of the "Church of Christ" cult in Texas who are visiting this blog tonight:

Is it biblical or typical practice among your number for one of you to knowingly and consistently give huge amounts of God's money to a bisexual habitual thief?

I know the Lord works in mysterious ways, but in my mind that's got to be pushing things.

Anonymous said...

Johnny and Micah have no right to barge into other churches accusing them of false doctrine. Because Johnny and Micah can't prove they have true doctrine.

Anonymous said...

It sure looked like harassment to me Charles Roark and Johnny Robertson following those men to their cars like they did.

Robertson offered $500 for anyone who would go in that church again and film them. Just how much does the law allow these people to do?

Bapticostal Christian said...

Somebody should tell Johnny Robertson and his Sons of Hell (that's what I'll be calling them from now on too) that we've had debate and discussion. We've had it going on for a very long time with them. And Johnny and his side LOST. They lose because they don't know what they're talking about. They'll always lose.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't Johnny bother Muslims? Is he afraid?

Anonymous said...

Two criminals chasing deacons of a churh. You don't get to see that very often

Chris Knight said...

"Why doesn't Johnny bother Muslims? Is he afraid?"

That's more than a fair question. It SHOULD be asked.

I suspect that I know the answer to that...

Robertson doesn't get $$$ from the cult in Texas unless he's showing that he's being productive. To their warped thinking, that means "countering denominations" (ignoring the fact that they themselves are a denomination that can't be traced back earlier than the 1800s... and pretty much everyone was calling themselves "the Church of Christ" before then, regardless of how many thousand-dollar books Johnny buys off eBay).

Back to my point: it's easier for the Robertson clan and their lackies to look like they're doing "work" if they take on "the big big targets" like Baptist churches, Methodist churches, Pentecostal churches etc. Those are the big fish that Robertson and his fellow Sons of Hell (I thoroughly approve calling them such) are targetting to harass on video camera, so they can make their DVDs and send them back to Texas as "proof" of their "good work".

Regardless of what Johnny Robertson says, it is about money. It's just an under-handed and devious way of keeping the money coming in. Money that gets used to bribe people to videotape church congregations (now that Robertson and his goons have been called out in court), to pay "students" to attend Robertson's "preaching school" (no kidding: Johnny Robertson gives money to entice people to study his style and twisted teachings), the money to buy the airtime (Johnny Robertson is WGSR's biggest-paying client, hence why Charles Roark is the ever obedient dog who can't say no to Johnny), etc.

Johnny Robertson's Church of Christ/Sons of Hell is an industry. Division and strife are their product. Small-time churches don't keep the $$$ rolling in like the big ones, or other religions.

The other possibility - and one equally as strong in my mind - is that Johnny Robertson and his goons are cowards, and are too scared to go visit an Islamic place of worship, or a Jewish synagogue, or some such.

But yeah, you'll never catch Johnny trying his schtick in a mosque: for all his bleating about being a man of the Bible and being "tougher" than anyone else, he's a far bigger coward than anyone he has ever accused.

Chris Knight said...

"Two criminals chasing deacons of a churh. You don't get to see that very often"

Well as Charles Roark himself says too many times: "It's something that you'll see only on Star News!!!"

Not A # said...

I'm surprised nobody's hit on Johnny Robertson's favorite word: "information".

Chris, don't you think he sounds like Number 2 at the beginning of The Prisoner?

Anonymous said...

I thought just sex offenders get ordered by judges to stay away from churches.

Don't Tease The Cat said...

To Micah and Johnny Robertson,

Sometime ago a man visited a church with a recording device. The people there knew about it. He discussed their beliefs with them. He didn't get arrested and convicted like you (Micah) were.

That man was Chris Knight. If you want to see how he does things right that your cult always does wrong click here and read about Chris Knight and his recording device in a church that's not his own.