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Showing posts with label lauryn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lauryn. Show all posts

Friday, April 26, 2013

Could it be?! ANOTHER picture of Lauryn AND Rachael?!?

It has been an unconscionably long time since my blog has seen a photo of either Lauryn or Rachael.  And some of you have been whining and crying for one all along.  Oddly enough they've all been guys.  Whenever one of these two cousins of mine have had their picture on this site, the traffic seems to ramp up considerably.  Funny, that... Y'all owe Lauryn...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The last Lauryn photo

Here it is: the post that I have somewhat dreaded having to make because it's going to plunge a lot of single guys out there into tears.Lauryn, my ravishingly beautiful cousin (okay, "second cousin" if we're going to be technical about it) who has served as The Knight Shift's official pin-up girl for the past few years, was married to her boyfriend Jason over the weekend!...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The most heartbreaking post in The Knight Shift history

sigh...For a week now, even during the trip to D.C., my mind has been in agony over how to approach this.I've gone over it a thousand times and more. But, I suppose there's nothing left to do, but to go ahead and address this. And maybe... maybe... some of us can get up the courage to move on.For a while now I've been posting photos on this blog of my incredibly sweet and...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Don't be crabby: HERE'S that new Lauryn pic already!!

Awright awright... I KNOW that it's been since March that The Knight Shift has had a new photo of my exceptionally beautiful, sweet and inspirational (can't say enough how much she has encouraged me in my walk with Christ) second cousin, Lauryn. Yes in case you don't know already, this blog has an official (more or less) pin-up girl! Okay, maybe "pin-up girl" isn't quite...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

This blog needs more beautiful... and LOTS of it!

I can't recall posting a picture of my extremely lovely and incredibly sweet cousin Lauryn for the month of February. Even though I know that many of The Knight Shift's male readers can't get enough of her beautiful visage (I got two e-mails this past week complaining about the lack of Lauryn of late).So since I've been posting too many videos showing my ugly mug in recent...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

It's 2011's first pic of Lauryn!

At the moment I'm... working... through getting Part 2 of the Being Bipolar series finished (read Part 1 here if you haven't already). Not only that but also practicing my lines for Theatre Guild of Rockingham County's production of Gypsy. Along with a few other "irons in the fire" so to speak.So to make up for a dearth of new material these past few days, here is something...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Slow day today...

And since it's been asked for by a number of you, here once again is a photo of my ravishingly beautiful and sweet cousin Lauryn! As an added bonus, you also get to see my equally beautiful and sweet cousin Karissa, who just got married this summer!Thank you ladies. You have contributed some much-needed loveliness to this site ...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

I have some very tragic news to report

Well, not tragic for me anyway. But this will come as absolutely heartbreaking news to the very many would-be suitors who have written in during the past several months asking if my extremely beautiful, incredibly sweet and saintly-in-spirit cousin Lauryn was taken.She is now! :-)Now don't y'all worry: I shall continue to post pictures of her whenever there is dire need to...

Friday, May 07, 2010

I have been a might slack in blogging lately...

...so to make up for it, here's a shiny new photo of The Knight Shift's unofficial Page 3 girl: my beautiful cousin Lauryn!And look: she's got another gorgeous friend, whose name I do not currently have on file. But who are you to complain? After all, you're getting two lovely ladies in one great shot!By the way, the rumors are true: I am currently giving this blog a severe...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

How about a double dose of beautiful?

Because you asked for it (well, a lot of the masculine gender among you anyway) here is once again my too-lovely-for-words and incredibly sweet second cousin Lauryn... and her equally gorgeous mother Robin!No wonder they've often been mistaken for sisters :-)I would like to also show you a photo of Bob, Lauryn's dad and Robin's husband, but that would prolly ruin the effect...(Just...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

This blog needs some more beautiful on it...

...so once again, here is my cousin Lauryn.Curiously, every time I post a photo of her, this blog's counter starts skyrocketi...

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Congrats to my cousin Lauryn for graduating college!

My cousin Lauryn got her college sheepskin today! Always cause for celebration when one of our clan gets a higher education :-)(That, and because the last time I posted her photo and said that all the women in my family are this beautiful, I literally got over a dozen e-mails asking if Lauryn was taken and if not "where does she live please!?" So I'm curious as to what will...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I don't post "Beautiful" nearly enough on this blog...

...so here is a photo of my second cousin Lauryn, who is celebrating her 22nd birthday:And here is a photo of Lauryn and her mother (and my cousin) Robin. They could be - and have been - mistaken for sisters!And in case any of y'all are wondering: Yes, ALL the women in my family are this beautiful! :-) Not to mention very sweet and among the most Christian ladies I have...