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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Sony Music: "No immediate plans" to release Jablonsky TRANSFORMERS score

A few days go I started an online petition to show support for an album release of Steve Jablonsky's amazing orchestral score from Transformers. At the time I intended for the petition to reach whoever was responsible for Transformers's marketing, and I thought that this should include Warner Records, since that's the label that produced the Transformers "soundtrack" with music "inspired by" the movie. I was acting under the impression that Warner Records would be the outfit that would release the CD(s) of the actual score.

(By the way, I've watched the Transformers "soundtrack" sales rank on Amazon go from #22 this past Saturday to #282 today, just 5 days later. A lot of people are buying this CD thinking it's the Jablonsky score, and some are returning it once they realize this isn't the score at all. And word about that is getting around fast.)

Well, apparently it's not Warner Records at all, but that it's Sony Music that will be responsible for what happens with a commercial release of the Jablonsky Transformers score. And the word from them is ... it might not be "in the works" right now after all.

Here's what user "Zophael" on the Superhero Hype! Boards got as a reply from Sony Music when he asked about the album ...

At this time, there are no immediate plans regarding the release of the Transformers soundtrack score.

SonyMusicStore Customer Service

I'm going to keep the petition going (click here if you haven't signed it already and would like to). Whenever's a good time to do so, I'm going to forward these names and comments to Sony Music. But I'm thinking that maybe it would be good to go for a direct appeal at this point also.

Here's the Sony Music website's feedback form where you can write to them from your desk.

There is also this mailing address that I found. It's for Sony Music Online Services, but I imagine any mail about a Transformers score would probably get forwarded to the appropriate department ...

Sony Music Online Services
550 Madison Ave, 24th Fl
New York, NY 10022-3211
There is also this phone number for Sony BMG Music Entertainment. I'm going to try to give them a call tomorrow and see what's the status on the Jablonsky Transformers score ...
Sony BMG Music Entertainment
If you write or call, remember: be nice! We very much want to have Steve Jablonsky's awe-inspiring score from Transformers in our music collections. So we need to impress upon Sony Music that they stand to make serious money by releasing this as a top-quality album, crafted with as much care and attention as any other epic movie's soundtrack.

Let's show 'em how much we want 'em to "transform and roll out" them CDs! :-)

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Anonymous said...

Here is what I just wrote to Sony:
It was with extreme disappointment that I went shopping for the Transformers Soundtrack today and found out that it was not available. The JUNK that I found on Amazon under the guise of the Transformers soundtrack does NO credit to your company. A mix of pop songs, most of which were not even in the movie, does not EVER constitute a soundtrack album. Steve Jablonsky's score of the movie is stellar, and I would have bought the album today, full price, if it were available. Whomever decided that the lousy compilation record that was released under the name of the movie should be fired. Give us a REAL soundtrack CD, PLEASE!

Keep up the good fight!
John, Bel Air, MD

Anonymous said...

"Can I get a 'Whoa Jablonsky'?"


-Married With Children, Christmas episode

Joakim said...

I would, for added effect, print the whole petition and comments, and mail that to Sony in paper form.

Anonymous said...

Can it be confirmed that Sony Music actually has the rights to publish the score? All I'm getting with link hopping off that SuperHeroHype.com forum (a few pages back from the post you're quoting) is an image from someone's photo and video blog with a very pixelized Sony logo in one corner. Is that image featuring Bumblebee legit? It just seems like that one image is responsible for generating all the calls and inquiries to Sony that aren't turning up any release info at all. (And they can't give us info if they don't actually have the rights to the score.)

Confirmation would just be good so we can be sure we're directing our questions (and pleas) to the right folks. :)

Anonymous said...

Has anyone considered contacting Jablonsky himself?

Anonymous said...

i have tried several different ways no luck and no replies he isnt easy to get ahold of

Anonymous said...

Hey there!
I heard about your petition and signed it idmediently! I even wrote messages on youtube transformers music soundtrack clips to ask for their support! I think the music is awesome and it should be in our prized CD collection!!

Anonymous said...

Why would you contact Sony Music? The 2007 live action movie was released by Dreamworks/

Paramount/Dreamworks put out the movie and the current "soundtrack" was released on Warner Bros record label according to www.amazon.com

Sony has the rights to the 1986 animated Transformers soundtrack, so when you contact them about the "score" that's probably the film they are thinking of.

Anonymous said...

Ok I found this pic. http://imageserver4.textamerica.com/user.images.x/70/IMG_375470/Big/_0714/T520070714115821133.jpg

So it looks like they were planning a release. and the link enclosed show the track on the cd. I dont how this guy came across them but he did.


I signed the petition, and mailed Sony.

Well lets hope the get back to their sense and release it ASAP.


Anonymous said...

For those who care:),I just read/heard that Warner is releasing the score on October 9th

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

is there a release date for GERMANY??? It's important! I love the soundtracks of Jablonsky!


Anomymous from South-West-Germany

Anonymous said...

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